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Coffee Face Scrub

Rs. 299.00

Product Description -  Coffee Face Scrub contains exfoliants that soften your skin. Use the scrub to get rid of dead skin cells, even the skin texture, and make your skin soft and plump. Benefits -  Repairs Damaged Skin. Provides Clear Skin.  How to Apply -  Mix an adequate amount of Face Scrub with Rose Water or Plain Water. Apply on...

Active Charcoal With Tea Tree Scrub

Rs. 299.00

Product Description -  De-Tan Face Scrub helps repair your skin and de-tan the patchy skin. The granuies present in it work efficiently to make your skin soft and keep it dirt-free.. Benefits -  Repairs Damaged Skin. Provides Clear Skin. Key Ingredients -  CHARCOALActivated charcoal draws bacteria, poisons, chemicals, dirt and other micro-particles to the surface of skin, helping you to...

De-Tan Face Scrub

Rs. 299.00

Product Description -  De-Tan Face Scrub helps repair your skin and de-tan the patchy skin. The granuies present in it work efficiently to make your skin soft and keep it dirt-free.. Benefits -  Removes Dead Skin & Dirt. Provides Even Skin Tone. How to Apply -  Mix an adequate amount of Face Scrub with Rose Water or Plain Water. Apply...

Herbal Walnut Face Scrub

Rs. 299.00

Product Description -  Walnut Face Scrub deep cleans the skin and makes it ready to be prepared while being moisturized and gaining the happy and healthy skin. The extract of walnut helps with cleaning of unseen radicals giving skin a fresh and alive look overall. Benefits -  Removes Dead Skin & Dirt. Provides Even Skin Tone. Key Ingredient -  WALNUTThe...

Herbal Neem Tulsi Face Wash

Rs. 224.00

Product Description -  Neem and Tulsi Face Wash has the antibacterial and antimicrobial property that protects your skin from acne and pimple. It has the goodness of neem and tulsi. Benefits -  Antimicrobial & Antibacterial Properties Protects From Acne And Pimples Key Ingredient -  NEEMNeem Oil contains the necessary fatty acids, which also promotes wound healing and make your skin...