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Active Charcoal With Tea Tree Scrub

Rs. 299.00

Product Description -  De-Tan Face Scrub helps repair your skin and de-tan the patchy skin. The granuies present in it work efficiently to make your skin soft and keep it dirt-free.. Benefits -  Repairs Damaged Skin. Provides Clear Skin. Key Ingredients -  CHARCOALActivated charcoal draws bacteria, poisons, chemicals, dirt and other micro-particles to the surface of skin, helping you to...

Herbal Activated Charcoal Soap

Rs. 99.00

Product Description -   Charcoal Soap is also used to get the complexion lighter and pull out the unrequired dirt and do the damage control for your skin for the better-looking skin. Benefits -  Removes Impurities From Skin Improves Skin Texture Provides Even Skin Tone Key Ingredient -  CHARCOAL Activated charcoal draws bacteria, poisons, chemicals, dirt and other micro-particles to the...